Monday, October 8, 2007

Cuddly, Sweet and Soft

I had the pleasure of photographing TWO newborns last week, both of whom made their entrance earlier than expected. First, Baby T, who is just beautiful. She debuted several weeks ahead of schedule, but everything is great and mommy already looks dreamy! I am so jealous (I, who still have the "baby weight" from Abby, who is 3 1/2!!). You can tell how much they love this baby girl. Here is a sneak peek for them...

And here is baby C, who came a week early, he was so anxious to meet the world. Isn't he just adorable? The little sweetie slept almost the entire time (which is great! and why I ask for newborns to be "fresh from the oven") and we got some amazing images for his mommy & daddy. Here is a sneak peek ...

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