Sunday, January 13, 2008

Screen Test!!

I know I use this blog for mostly business stuff, but I am so excited to share this! Yesterday, Will and I took the kids down to an open call for extras for a movie that will be filmed in Austin. (Starring BRAD PITT - so you can see my motivation for wanting to be involved :) Anyway, we waited in line for about two hours and the kids were really great. We got up to our turn and they wanted to screen test both Abby and Liam!! It doesn't mean they will be used in the film, but they are considering them. We are so excited!! Apparently there are several kids who speak in the film (minor stuff, but still!!) and our kids are possibilities! We didn't get to go in with them for their tests (we were outside in the hall) but they both seemed to do well. Abby, who is usually so shy and reserved, was just super animated and talking up a storm. So whatever they asked her, she REALLY had an answer. Liam looked more serious, which is funny because he is usually the more dramatic one, but his expression barely changed the whole time, but he WAS talking. Will keep you all posted!!

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