Monday, March 31, 2008

Brand New Oliver

This little sweetie came in last week for a newborn session. He was hands-down the BEST newborn I have ever photographed. Not one single whimper of a cry, he just slept and slept! A total dream subject, LOL. We got some great stuff!! His grandmother came along and she took some video - she said she would share so I can post here - (hint hint!!). I can tell you that the family is going to have a HARD time narrowing it down. I am usually good at "weeding out" but even I had a really hard time - and it's not even MY baby!! Anyway, here are a few of my faves...

1 comment:

thisisjims said...

Thank you so much for the beautiful photos and the kind comments. We are truly impressed by your ability to capture the beauty of a newborn child. I will get the video to and send it your way soon, thanks again.
