Monday, January 25, 2010

Baby Boom! {Georgetown Newborn Photographer}

There really is nothing better than a sweet, sleepy newborn! And I've had several already this year - that, to me, is the BEST way to start the year! Here is little Luke. He was a little older than most of our newborns, at a ripe old three weeks, LOL, but since I had been out of town, we made the best of the schedule (and I did a little praying that he'd be as sleepy and curly as a younger babe). He was FABULOUS! A little baby acne, which is easily removed in post processing, but slept like a charm. Even with an excited two-yr old sis joining us. I was thrilled with the results, even got the elusive "both children together," which you can imagine is not easy with a toddler! Here are a few of my faves...

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