Saturday, June 13, 2009

Happy 50th Anniversary! Austin Family Photographer

I had the extreme pleasure of working with the Lopez family recently. The grown children surprised their mom & dad with a wonderful 50th anniversary gift - an extended family portrait session! We traveled to Horseshoe Bay resort for the session. WOW is it gorgeous out there. Hmmmm, guess where OUR next family weekend is going to be??? Anyway, it was super fun working with each of the families, then seeing the surprise of Mom & Dad when they realized we were going to do a large group photo, that was icing on the cake.
We have sooo many gorgeous images, here are a few highlights of each family. Since they are spread hither and yon, they'll have access to an online gallery early next week. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Wow! These are just gorgeous! So many of them made me sit up and say 'wow' but that one of the gorgeous girl made me gasp! That is beautiful! The black and whites of the boys are awesome too, and I love that huge family image. That is a tough thing to get a large group together like that and you did it with flying colors. Awesome Teri! Great work!

Kimberly said...

That family portrait is amazing, Teri! Gorgeous family, they did a fabulous job coordinating wardrobe, and the setting is just lovely.