Monday, November 3, 2008

Ho Ho Ho - a Letter from Santa

Imagine the thrill on your child's face when he or she wakes up on Christmas morning to find a letter from Santa. Not just one penned by mom & dad, but one with a postmark from "North Pole" (alaska) and personalized JUST for your child, with names of family members, pets, grandparents, etc.
I can tell you that MY kids are over the moon getting these letters - plus, they arrive a few days prior to Christmas, so if you let the kids check the mail (mine do) they will see it early and the excitement builds to a crescendo on Christmas morning!
My MOPS group (mothers of preschoolers) is selling these amazing Santa letters. And get this - they are only $5 each!! WE (the mops moms) are doing all the work - typing up the letters with your childs' personal info, licking and stamping, and sending off to North Pole, Alaska, where they will be postmarked and mailed back to your child. Each MOPS mom needs to sell TEN letters, but my personal goal, with all the children I touch in my business, is FIFTY.
If you are interested in this fabulous opportunity, please call me ASAP. Remember only $5 for a memory that will last a lifetime (because, of course, we will put these treasured letters into the scrapbook :) 930-1902


~Melissa Mullinax said...

Sounds cool. What do they look like?

Teri Mason Photography said...

They are an actual typed letter, on pretty stationary. There are three diff letters, one for babies with a more baby-themed paper, one for young kids (toddler-elem age) and one that is more generic holiday looking. Each letter is personalized to your child - we ask the ?s in the forms you fill out to purchase - names, siblings, pets, address, etc, plus any special info you want added. I will try to post an actual letter to show what it looks like.