Thursday, June 11, 2009

Interesting Article, and Why I watermark your images online...

A fellow photographer brought this article to my attention. Often I get asked why I put my logo across any images I show online. Most think it is just so that the images aren't "swiped" before they are purchased. While I do support my family with income from my images, my main reason for the "watermarking" of images with my logo is for protection - both yours and mine.
The article tells the story of a family whose image turned up in Prague on a grocery store advertisement - all because the image was posted online with no watermark. You can read the full story here. Luckily, the image was used in a benign way, not something seedy. But here at our studio, you can be sure that any images shared online will be watermarked, for your protection and mine!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Such an important educational tool, sadly enough.