Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sweet Baby V {Austin Baby Photographer}

I was thrilled to photograph the newest member of a family of good friends of ours. The "J" family we first met through soccer - Will coached both Macee and the twins on different teams the past few years - and I have photographed them in that realm. When Missy was pregnant, I couldn't wait to meet their sweet new baby, Vivee.
While I love having newborns in the studio, it was a treat to see Miss Vivee at 3 months. She was not only smiles and cuddles, but she also slept like a newborn, so we got the best of both worlds (haha - it doesn't always happen that 3 monthers will sleep in the studio!!) She also showed off her "famous" pout. Lucky for us all, she warmed up after her little nap! Here are a few of my faves from her session. I'm hoping that Missy & Lee will love them so much, that they enroll Vivee into my baby's first year club. I'd love to see this cutie pie another couple times this year!!


Lisa said...

I adore that pout, how perfect, hehe. Love all of these images, esp the one with mum, very sweet.

Kimberly said...

awww, that little pouty face. Just love the one with Mom - she's just precious!

Jane Eaton Hamilton said...

What an adorable little gal. Love these images, Teri.